Dude Where’s YOUR Valentine’s Day Gift?

February has 29 days this year, this happens about every four years. It’s Leap Year!!!!! With it, comes a Valentine’s Day tradition: women are to focus on and court men, instead of the other way around. Just as most years she wants her gift and expects a big deal to be made about your love…

Can You Stand The Rain?

            When it’s good….mannnnnnnnnnnn it’s great. But when it’s bad….are you ready to bail? When I refer to can you stand the rain, I’m not talking about that sexy rain that makes crotches get slid to the side. I’m not even talking about the kind of rain that you get drenched in but you’ll dry…

Ask me, I’ll tell ya’…. Question 2 of the week

Question: Should I and my fiancé combine our bank accounts and only have accounts in both of our name? Answer: The answer may be deeper than you think. Some people (mostly women) think that once you are married that you share and combine everything. Some even get upset, even to the point of feeling betrayed if…